I am excited to say that I am so thrilled to be getting my new blog up and running. It has taken some time to get it all together and looking just the way I wanted, but here we are with a new look and new way to share my craft.
I will be having some exciting things happening on the blog over the coming weeks, so please stay tuned for more posts. There will also be some giveaways as well!
Why a new chapter you ask... well you will need to wait for some more posts to find that out... but that won't be long away! Posts will be more regular now that I am not trying to set up a new blog at the same time :)
In the mean time... if you are new to my blog, you can check out my work via the tabs above and included are links to the respective posts for a great deal of my work so that you can see the origional post on my previous blog without having to sift through a heap of posts to find what you are looking for.
Please update your link to my blog if you are a follower or have me on your blog roll/list

Sound very exciteing to start a new chapter with a new blog. It's hard work to do this, but it is looking good :)
Here is a link I should have posted to you a while back
Wish you good luck with your new blog
your blog looks amazing, love it, fabulous creations you have created throughout the year, have a merry christmas :)
Your blog looks lovely! I had a look at your cards too. They are great!
Pearl x
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